Non-Destructive Testing & Engineering Services
At Hite Services Ltd, our Sudbury-based engineers and specialists have many years of hands-on experience with most NDE methods. This experience goes beyond the theory and practice of a particular method or technique to the study of the underlying problem, the consequences of failure, the operating constraints and economics, and the prediction of remaining life.
We have experience in writing standards and specifications and in interpreting them in the field. We have supervised many technicians and fully understand the importance and potential of operator reliability. We can meet with your authorized inspector or your customer's inspector and discuss their requirements as they apply to your operation, whether it be in Northern Ontario, the United States, Guyana, or the Dominican Republic.
Non-Destructive Testing Services
Problem-solving and troubleshooting
Auditing and surveillance
Evaluation and interpretation of results
Inspection program design and development and engineered repair procedures.
Preventive maintenance NDE programs
Contract inspection services
Corrosion surveys
Whether your application for nondestructive testing is in quality assurance, in preventive maintenance or in meeting some externally imposed obligation, we are able to advise you by defining the requirements in terms of available resources, by selecting, auditing and supervising your NDE contractor, by giving an objective and technical evaluation of differing inspection results or opinions, and by analyzing the results to make specific and definite recommendations for action.
Engineering Services
Our engineers are experienced in the design and analysis of specialty structures such as:
Design of specialized lifting equipment
Design of engineered lifts
Rating and certification of existing lifting equipment
Specialized weld design, weld inspection, and weld repair procedures
Forensic analysis of structural/weld failures
Finite analysis
Industrial structural design
Analysis and design of overhead crane structural systems
Production of Autocad engineering drawings
Our engineering personnel frequently perform weld design and set up for weld repair, as well as failure investigation of cracked weldments. In addition, data sheets, weld procedures, and retained welding engineering services for certification to CWB CSA W47.1 Division 1 or 2 are available through Hite Services Ltd.
Using Professional Engineering experience and theory, combined with our Professional Hoisting Engineers (certified under the Association of Crane and Rigging Professionals) application and operator knowledge, we are able to provide specialized lift designs that perform well not only on paper but also in application.